Turn ordinary stock photos into extraordinary visuals. Upload any stock image and let AI transform it into something uniquely yours.
Upload any stock image and watch as our AI transforms it into something uniquely yours, while maintaining the essence of your original photo.
Start by uploading any stock photo or original image you'd like to transform.
Select how different you want your new image to be from the original.
Our AI analyzes your image and generates unique variations while maintaining key elements.
Get your transformed image ready for your next creative project.
Watch how our AI transforms your stock photos while maintaining the essence and quality of the original image.
Everything you need to know about StockPhoto.app and how it works.
You can try out the generator using the "Try" method. This is using the same method that we used for the product and gives you a simulated output.
A credit is a generation. No fluff involved. However many credits you have is how many images you can create with StockPhoto.
We're using awesome technology that will take your image input, create a description of it with machine learning and feed both the image, the description and the similarity settings into our model to produce some magic.
Privacy is important to us. Your input images are sent to our system in base64 format. We don't store these images anywhere and they aren't uploaded to our system.
The API enables you to send requests to our system through code or API tools. When sending an API request, you can specify a webhook URL where we will send the URL of the image once it has been created. All images created via the API will also appear in your StockPhoto account.
You can shoot us an email at stuart@supermachine.art to say hi or anything else!
Still have questions? We're here to help!